Datacleaner plugin in Pentaho

Today i will discuss about how to  use Data cleaner plugin in Pentaho 7.0.0. First go to Tools->Market Place-> Search with word “Datacleaner “. See the below SS for the same. As you can see , it is coming as installed because i have already installed on my local Machine. Once you install this plugin,  go to <PATH>/data-integration/plugins/, you will see folder “kettle6-profiling-datacleaner”. Now, you need to download Datacleaner from the below URL. I have downloaded the latest version DataCleaner 5.1.5. Once downloading is completed, unzip the folder.So , it…

Shell script to check files changed in last 24 hours

Today , i will discuss about the how to get all files which are changed in last  24 hours in shell script. Below  is the code for the same. ## STEP-1 first of all get the yesterday date using below command. DATE=`date -d “yesterday” ‘+%Y%m%d%H%M’` echo $DATE ## STEP-2 Below command will create file date.txt as per yesterday timings. touch -t $DATE /opt/A1/date.txt ## STEP-3 Below are the paths where we need to check the changed files.Here I have considered four directories. FILES_PATH_A=”/opt/A” FILES_PATH_B=”/opt/B” FILES_PATH_C=”/opt/C” FILES_PATH_D=”/opt/D” ## STEP-4 Using find…


Today, i will discuss about how to check which values in the table for a particular column are uppercase or not. I have designed a Query using dual to achieve the same. Below is the Query. select * from (select ‘A’ as col1, ‘B’ as col2 from dual union select ‘a’ col1,’D’ as col2 from dual) A, (select ‘A’ as col1 ,’B’ as col2 from dual union select ‘a’ col1 ,’D’ as col2 from dual)B where upper(B.col1)=A.col1 and B.col2=A.col2; I created table A and table B using dual command .…