Difference between Pentaho 7.0 and Pentaho 8.0 Community Edition

Today, i will discuss about the difference between the Pentaho 7.0 and Pentaho 8.0 in community Edition at ground level.

  1.  The major  difference between Pentaho 7.0 and Pentaho 8.0 is AEL feature. AEL stands for Adaptive Execution Layer. The objective of AEL is to develop visually once and execute anywhere. In other words, you develop the code on your desktop and run it , if it works fine , point the application to Spark resource and run. Now, when i say point your application to Spark resource that doesn’t mean you need to migrate the code , you just need to change the Run configuration and point it to Spark Server. Once you choose Spark Server, it will ask for IP and port to connect to Spark Server. See the SS for the same.

2. In big data segment, they have introduced new components like Avro output,Parquet input and Parquet output which were not there in Pentaho 7.0 . See the SS for the same.

3.In  Pentaho 7.0 , sub-transformations were specified through three separate fields depending on whether your files were in a repository or on a file system.

In Pentaho 8.0, sub-transformations are specified through a single field with a Browse button. You can browse in either a repository or a file system.  See the SS for the same in next slide. See the SS for the same.

4.  There is new segment added in Pentaho 8.0  which is called Streaming. See the SS for the same. It has Kafka components.

5.   As Spark engine(AEL) is introduced  in Pentaho 8.0 , new files related to the same are present in data-integration folder. See the below image for the same.

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