Count the number of nulls using left join

Today, I will discuss about How to calculate the number of nulls that gets populated with left join or %age of matched data or count of not nulls using left join.

Calculate the number of nulls that gets populated from right hand table using left join.
Assume , I have two employee table EMP_TBL1 and EMP_TBL2. See the data for the same.

below is the code used to get number of nulls that comes from right side table using left join.

select count(*)-count(y_empid) from (
select x.emp_id ,y.emp_id as y_empid
from EMP_TBL1 x
left join EMP_TBL2 y
on y.emp_id = x.emp_id
and y.emp_name = x.emp_name
and y.dept = x.dept )A

Calculate the number of not nulls that comes from right side table using left join.
Consider the same datasets mentioned above. below is the query to achieve the same.

select count(y_empid) from (
select x.emp_id ,y.emp_id as y_empid
from EMP_TBL1 x
left join EMP_TBL2 y
on y.emp_id = x.emp_id
and y.emp_name = x.emp_name
and y.dept = x.dept )A

Calculate the percentage of matched records between two tables . Here the assumption is emp_ids are unique in each table. If it is not unique in your case, please use distinct clause before calculate the matched records.

select count(y_empid)/count(*) from (
select x.emp_id ,y.emp_id as y_empid
from EMP_TBL1 x
left join EMP_TBL2 y
on y.emp_id = x.emp_id
and y.emp_name = x.emp_name
and y.dept = x.dept )A

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