In this blog, Sharing code to get only unique Characters present in a string. Please do not get confused with my Previous Blog . Its a different topic all together. Consider a String “allabouttechnologies“, so the distinct or unique Characters of this String are “alboutechngis“. str=”alllabouttechnologies” ##Sample Stringnewstr=” ##Blank new Stringn=${#str} ## Length of a Stringi=0while [[ $i -le $n ]] ##looping Character by CharacterdoChar=${str:$i:1}CharCntInNewStr=echo ${newstr}| grep ${Char} | wc -l ##Checking if Character already exists in new Stringif [[ $CharCntInNewStr -eq “0” ]]thennewstr=${newstr}${str:$i:1} ## appending Character if it is…
Tag: increment a variable by 1 in shell
Sum of all Array Elements in Linux
In this Blog, Sharing the code to add all elements of an Array using shell scripting. a =(1 2 3 4) ## Array of 4 Elementsi=0len=${#a[@]} ## It gives the length of an Arraysum=0 ## Setting sum variable to value 0while [ $i -lt $len ]dosum=$((${a[i]}+$sum))i=$(( $i + 1))doneecho $sum