run transformation as web service using carte in Pentaho

Today , i will discuss about how to run transformation or job as a webservice using carte in your local Machine. First we have to create the configuration.xml file inside data-integration folder where carte.bat or file present. Below is the content of the file. <slave_config> <slaveserver> <name>carte</name> <hostname>localhost</hostname> <port>8080</port> </slaveserver> <max_log_lines>10000</max_log_lines> <max_log_timeout_minutes>1440</max_log_timeout_minutes> <object_timeout_minutes>1440</object_timeout_minutes> </slave_config> Then Go to data-integration folder  and execute the below command in command prompt. Carte.bat configuration.xml Below lines on command prompt will give you an indication that Carte is up and running in your local Machine. Carte…

interview Questions on Pentaho

Today, i will share few set of interview questions on Pentaho. Below are the Questions. How you will implement SCD type 0 ,SCD type 1, SCD type 2 in pentaho.  Difference between arguments and variables What are the components present in transformation, name at least 10 components. Have you ever implemented any plugin using Java in Pentaho. If I want to run 10 jobs in parallel through Shell Script, how should I do it. What is factless fact table , give practical examples What is conformed dimension and degenerate dimensions…

Difference between Pentaho 7.0 and Pentaho 8.0 Community Edition

Today, i will discuss about the difference between the Pentaho 7.0 and Pentaho 8.0 in community Edition at ground level.  The major  difference between Pentaho 7.0 and Pentaho 8.0 is AEL feature. AEL stands for Adaptive Execution Layer. The objective of AEL is to develop visually once and execute anywhere. In other words, you develop the code on your desktop and run it , if it works fine , point the application to Spark resource and run. Now, when i say point your application to Spark resource that doesn’t mean you…

Datacleaner plugin in Pentaho

Today i will discuss about how to  use Data cleaner plugin in Pentaho 7.0.0. First go to Tools->Market Place-> Search with word “Datacleaner “. See the below SS for the same. As you can see , it is coming as installed because i have already installed on my local Machine. Once you install this plugin,  go to <PATH>/data-integration/plugins/, you will see folder “kettle6-profiling-datacleaner”. Now, you need to download Datacleaner from the below URL. I have downloaded the latest version DataCleaner 5.1.5. Once downloading is completed, unzip the folder.So , it…

Shell script to check files changed in last 24 hours

Today , i will discuss about the how to get all files which are changed in last  24 hours in shell script. Below  is the code for the same. ## STEP-1 first of all get the yesterday date using below command. DATE=`date -d “yesterday” ‘+%Y%m%d%H%M’` echo $DATE ## STEP-2 Below command will create file date.txt as per yesterday timings. touch -t $DATE /opt/A1/date.txt ## STEP-3 Below are the paths where we need to check the changed files.Here I have considered four directories. FILES_PATH_A=”/opt/A” FILES_PATH_B=”/opt/B” FILES_PATH_C=”/opt/C” FILES_PATH_D=”/opt/D” ## STEP-4 Using find…


Today, i will discuss about how to check which values in the table for a particular column are uppercase or not. I have designed a Query using dual to achieve the same. Below is the Query. select * from (select ‘A’ as col1, ‘B’ as col2 from dual union select ‘a’ col1,’D’ as col2 from dual) A, (select ‘A’ as col1 ,’B’ as col2 from dual union select ‘a’ col1 ,’D’ as col2 from dual)B where upper(B.col1)=A.col1 and B.col2=A.col2; I created table A and table B using dual command .…


In this , i will discuss about the “Marks” section in tableau. See the SS how it looks like in Tableau. Here we will continue from the last post where we discussed about the symbol maps and issues involved in it. See the SS regarding the population data using symbol map. So, whenever you talk about BI tools, we says “Data Speaks” . Here the dots is not giving the user friendly information. Therefore , we will incorporate the Marks section in this map. Drag the Population Measure to Label.…

Master Password in Winscp

Today i will share my knowledge with you all on how to set Master password for WinSCP installed on your Machine. The reason for setting the Master password is to make sure no one can access files present in the server from your machine. Step-1 Go to Options->Preferences. See the below SS for the same. Step-2 Go to Security tab , check the box “Use Master Password”. Set the Master password and then Click OK .See the below SS for the same. Close the WinSCP and open it again. So,…

Recover password of linux server through winscp

Today, i face one issue where i forgot password for one server. It was luckily saved in WinSCP sessions. As we cant interpret password through WinSCP details , so what should be do to recover the password. The answer is you have to enable to logging of every session and check below boxes in WinSCP. See the below SS for the same. First, go to Options->Preferences Then go to Logging-> Check the boxes as per the below SS. Here, if you see i have check the box “Enable session logging…

unknown values in symbol map in tableau

Today i will discuss about the particular issue which i faced in Tableau. When click on symbol map in show me tab. The map did not come up in work space Area and moreover i was getting one message at the right bottom 57 uknown. See the below image  for the same. Before i explain how i corrected this , I would like to tell you about the source data. So , I am using population data of India (Random Numbers) which has fields (city name, state, population). I will share the population…