This is continuation of sorting of array elements. Please go through this blog . In that blog, sorting of array elements is explained along with code. In order to find out kth smallest or kth largest element in array having all distinct elements , we need to sort this array first .Once sorting is done , then it is straight forward to get kth element (smallest or largest element) using a[k-1]Here I am sharing code for smallest kth element of an array. For kth largest element is achieved through descending…
Tag: Length of an array in linux
All Sub Array having sum=0
In this blog, first we need to understand sub array definition and code to find sum of all Sub-Array in an Array. For that, please refer to this blog. Now, we need to find all Sub-Array whose Sum is equal to zero. Consider an array (1 -1 2 1 -3) and there are three sub-array whose sum is zero mentioned below.( 1 -1)(2 1 -3)(1 -1 2 1 -3) Below is the Shell Script which will give all sub-array whose sum is 0 . arr=(1 -1 2 1 -3) ##…
Missing element in an Array
Consider a Array of N-1 elements which has values from 1 to N which means one of the element is always missing. So, In this Blog, sharing the code for the same.For Example a=( 4 3 2 5) , here number of elements is N-1 which means 4 and values ranges from 1 to N(which means 5) and hence we need to print that missing element or number is 1. arr=(4 3 2 5) ## Array of 4 elements(N-1)len_arr_1=$(( ${#arr[@]} +1)) ##Making length equal to N (5)len_arr=${#arr[@]} ## Traversing all…
Check whether length of two array is same or not in Linux
In this blog, sharing code to check whether length of two arrays is same or not. arr=(4 3 2 1) ## First Array of 4 elementsarr_2=(4 3 1 10 1) ## Second Array of 5 elementslen_arr=${#arr[@]}len_arr_2=${#arr_2[@]}if [ $len_arr -eq $len_arr_2 ]thenecho “Length of both Array is same”fiif [ $len_arr -ne $len_arr_2 ]thenecho “Length of both Array is not same”fi
Reverse elements of an Array in Linux
In this blog, sharing code to reverse the array elements. arr=(1 2 3 4) ## Array of 4 Elementsarr_2=() ## Another Array of zero Elements or you can say blank Arraylen=${#arr[@]} ## It gives the length of an Array arrwhile [ $len -gt “0” ]dolen=$(( $len – 1))arr_2+=(${arr[len]})doneecho ${arr_2[*]} ##It will print (4 3 2 1)
Append elements of an Array to another Array
In this blog, sharing code of appending elements of one Array to another. arr=(1 2 3 4) ## Array of 4 Elementsarr_2=(5 10 12 1) ## Another Array of 4 Elementsi=0len=${#arr_2[@]} ## It gives the length of an Array arr_2while [ $i -lt $len ]doarr+=(${arr_2[i]}) ## Appending elements of arr_2 into array arr.i=$(( $i + 1))doneecho ${arr[*]}
Perform Arithmetic Operations On Two Files
In this Blog , we will cover how to apply sum ,multiply or subtract operator on two files each having one field and same number of records. Consider the data in each file as below. Below is the Shell script which will multiply row by row from above two files and put the output in another file. arr1=()for line in cat linux.txt | tail -n+2doarr1+=(“$line”)donearr1_1=()for line in cat linux_1.txt | tail -n+2doarr1_1+=(“$line”)doneLenOfArr= ${#arr1[@]}touch newfile.txtecho “COL1” > newfile.txta=0while [ $a -le $((LenOfArr-1)) ]; do let ans=${arr1[a]}*${arr1_1[a]}; echo $ans >> newfile.txt; a=$((…