Today, I will discuss about “Tag Creation in git”. There are two ways of doing it . One is through git repository itself and another is through local repository. In my today’s blog, I will discuss about the latter one. Before we start on this topic, we need to understand why we need to create a tag . Assume, we have a release today and developers might be working on the code which may or may not be part of this release. Hence, we need to coordinate with the team…
Tag: Git GUI
Restore to the previous version of a file in git
In my preceding blog, I have explained regarding “How to see all versions of a file in git”. Now, I will elaborate about “How to go back to previous version of a particular file. Here, we will consider the same example of “README.txt” file as it has 4 versions in the “sub-branch”. First see the below image which depicts all versions of that file. Now, I will go back to the original version of the file which is version-1 with the help of below mentioned steps. STEP 1 : Get…
Check all versions of a file
Today, I will explain about “how to check all versions of a file in a particular branch” using Git GUI. Go to Repository->Visualize “branch name” History. In my repository, I have a branch named “sub–branch”. See the below image for the same.Lets discuss about README.txt file which we have changed 3 times . See the below image for the same. File was first uploaded into git on 27th May 2017. Then edited thrice in the same month but year 2020. These are the versions of the file (README.txt). Click on…
Switch to another branch in local Repository
In order to understand this concept, I have created another branch in the git repository by the name of “sub-branch”. See the below image for the same. Now, rest of the activity is explained through series of steps. STEP 1 : Open Git GUI. Go to Remote->Fetch From->origin. See the below SS for the same. As you can see, new branch is fetched to our local. STEP 2 : Now, we have to create a name for this branch in my local Repository. Go to Branch->CreateAs you can see, I…
Pull the git changes to local repository using Git GUI
Until now, I have explained about “How to clone the git repository into your local Machine” and “how to push the local changes to git repository”. Today, I will explain about “how to pull the git changes into your local repository” as it is very important to first pull the changes into your local, then start doing the changes in your local repository. If not, then you will face severe issues while committing your changes into git. Consider an example where in 10 employees mapped to a project and all…
Push the local changes to git using Git GUI
In my preceding blog, I have explained about the “How to Clone git repository into your local Machine”. Now, i will describe on “How to push changes done in local repository to git repository using Git GUI”. Below are the steps to achieve the same.STEP 1 : I added one file to my local Repository which is “R-sample-1.r”. Go to Commit->Rescan. It will refresh the local repository changes in git GUI. See the below image for the same. STEP 2 : Go to Commit and Click on “Stage to Commit”.…
Clone a Repository using Git GUI
Today, I will share my knowledge on Git GUI. I have seen many users who prefers Git Bash over Git GUI. Developers finds Git GUI not as user friendly as Tortoise SVN GUI. That’s why , I decided to write about Git GUI.The very first step in every version control tool is clone. Below are the steps to clone the remote git repository into your local Machine . To put it differently, You need to create local repository in your windows Machine. STEP 1 : Open Git GUI. Once you…